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Table of Contents
Critical Infrastructure Protection Act, 2019 (Act No. 8 of 2019)
Notice No. 1551 of 2019
Chapter 1 : Definitions, Purpose and Application of Act
1. Definitions
2. Purpose of Act
3. Application of Act
Chapter 2 : Critical Infrastructure Council and Structures
Part A : Critical Infrastructure Council
4. Establishment and composition of Critical Infrastructure Council
5. Disqualification from appointment as member of Critical Infrastructure Council
6. Funding and remuneration
7. Functions of Critical Infrastructure Council
8. Meetings of Critical Infrastructure Council
Part B : Administration of Act
9. Functions of National Commissioner
10. Designation of inspectors
11. Functions of inspectors
Part C : Committees, exemption and delegations
12. Ad hoc and standing committees
13. Exemption of certain persons
14. Delegation of powers
15. Reporting by Minister
Chapter 3 : Declaration as Critical Infrastructure and Determination of Critical Infrastructure Complex
16. Requirements for declaration of infrastructure as critical infrastructure
17. Application for declaration as critical infrastructure and critical infrastructure complex by person in control of infrastructure
18. Application for declaration as critical infrastructure and critical infrastructure complex by National Commissioner
19. Consideration of application for declaration as critical infrastructure by Critical Infrastructure Council
20. Powers of Minister to declare infrastructure as critical infrastructure
21. Certificate of declaration as critical infrastructure
22. Amendment or variation of information or conditions by Minister
23. Termination and revocation of declaration
Chapter 4 : Powers and Duties or Persons in Control of Critical Infrastructure
24. Powers and duties of persons in control of critical infrastructure
25. Access to critical infrastructure
Chapter 5 : Offences and Penalties
26. Offences and penalties
Chapter 6 : Regulations
27. Regulations
Chapter 7 : General and Transitional Provisions
28. Administrative justice
29. Repeal of legislation
30. Transitional arrangements
31. Indemnity against loss or damage
32. Short title and commencement
Schedule - Laws (Section 29, Section 30)
Interim Critical Infrastructure Protection Regulations, 2022
Notice No. 3387 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Establishment and functions of Critical Infrastructure Council
3. Ordinary meetings of Critical Infrastructure Council
4. Special meeting of the Critical Infrastructure Council
5. Resolutions of the Critical Infrastructure Council in respect of application for declaration of infrastructure as critical infrastructure
6. Resolutions of the Critical Infrastructure Council to dispense with publication
7. Resolutions of the Critical Infrastructure Council in respect of policies, protocols and standards
8. Assignment of functions by the Minister
9. Ad hoc committees
10. Standing committees
11. Establishment of Critical Infrastructure Protection Regulator
12. Functions of the Critical Infrastructure Protection Regulator
13. Manner of service of notice
14. Commencement
Commencement of Certain Sections of the Critical Infrastructure Protection Act, 2019 (Act No. 8 of 2019)
Proclamation Notice 54 of 2022
Schedule - Laws (Section 29, Section 30)
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