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Auditing Profession Act, 2005 (Act No. 26 of 2005)


Regulatory Strategy for Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors

Part B : IRBA Manda

Strategic Links to the National Development Plan (2011)


As a public entity, our strategic objectives are closely linked to government’s National Development Plan: Vision for 2030, which is a “blueprint for the country’s development”. In essence, economic development is at the heart of the NDP, with the main focus being to achieve “inclusive growth, prosperity and improvements in the quality of life for the country’s citizens”, according to the National Planning Commission.


It is in that spirit then that the IRBA’s guiding frameworks, including its strategic and performance plans, have been created. Along with having these designed to ensure a proper implementation of the regulator’s mandate, various initiatives have also been put in place to strengthen the IRBA’s responsibility to protect the public interest.