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South African Weather Service Act, 2001 (Act No. 8 of 2001)

Chapter 6 : Financial Matters

16. Funds


(1) The funds of the Weather Service consist of—
(a) money appropriated by Parliament to enable the Weather Service to perform the public good services;
(b) income derived from commercial services;
(c) money raised by the Weather Service under section 4;
(d) fees or royalties contemplated in subsection (4) paid to the Weather Service;
(e) donations, user charges or contributions received by the Weather Service from any source;
(f) interest on investments; and
(g) income derived from any other source.


(2) The Weather Service must utilise its funds to defray expenses in connection with the performance of its functions.


(3) The Weather Service must utilise any donations or contributions contemplated in subsection (1)(e) for such purposes and in accordance with such conditions as may be specified by the donor or contributor concerned, provided that these conditions are in the interest of the Weather Service and the State.


(4) The Chief Executive Officer may in respect of any work performed or services rendered by the Weather Service under this Act other than public good services, or for the use of the facilities of the Weather Service or rights resulting from any discoveries, inventions, computer programs or improvements made by employees of the Weather Service charge such fees or make such other financial arrangements as the Board may deem fit.