Acts Online
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Postal Services Act, 1998 (Act No. 124 of 1998)


Unreserved Postal Services Regulations, 2020

Reasons Document on Unreserved Postal Services Regulations, March 2020

2. Submissions received on the Draft Regulations and the Authority's response

2.9. Regulation 14 : Contraventions and Penalties


2.9.1. Submissions received: SAEPA submits that these provisions are draconian and disproportionate, particularly in an environment where ambiguity subsists in respect of the exact scope of what constitutes unreserved postal services. SAEPA proposes that the Authority must engage with the Ministry to review the PSA's offence provisions insofar as they relate to imprisonment. In addition, it is unclear whether corporate entities will also be liable to imprisonment or if this will only be applicable to individual employees, and if so, the specific requirements or conduct that the individuals must engage in to be held criminally liable for the conduct of a corporate entity.


2.9.2. Authority’s decision The Authority reviewed the clauses on contraventions and penalties. The Authority believes that R250 000.00 (Two hundred thousand Rands) is a suitable amount to deter non-compliance.