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Magistrates' Courts Act, 1944 (Act No. 32 of 1944)


Rules Regulating the Conduct of the Proceedings on the Magistrates' Courts of South Africa

Annexure 1 : Forms

Form 35 : Interpleader Summons


[Section 69(1) of Act 32 of 1944]


In the Magistrate's Court for the District/Region of .........................................................held at ................................................. Case No. ........................................ of 20.........



In the matter between


........................................................................................................ Execution Creditor




.......................................................................................................... Execution Debtor


To: ............................................................................................... (Execution Creditor.)






and: ........................................................................................................... (Claimant.)






You are hereby summoned to appear before this court on the ......................... day of ........................., 20......., at ............... (time), to have it determined and declared whether certain movable property, namely ..........................., attached on the .................. day of ................, 20....... by the sheriff by virtue of a warrant of execution issued by this court on the ................... day of ....................., 20...., in the action in which you, the said ........................, obtained judgment for the sum of R.......... against ........................................  of ........................................... (execution debtor) and which said property is claimed by you, the said ................................., as being your property, is or is not your property or to appear to have the claim by you, the said ...................................... (claimant) to the proceeds of property, namely ................................ attached on the ............................ day of ............................., 20......... by the sheriff by virtue of a warrant of execution issued out of this court on the ...................... day of ........................, 20....., in the action in which the execution creditor obtained judgment for the sum of R.......... against .........................................  of ................................ (execution debtor) and which property was sold in execution on the ...................... day of ..............................., 20........., adjudicated upon.


Dated at .................................... this ............................ day of ................................, 20......




Registrar/Clerk of the Court.