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Legal Practice Act, 2014 (Act No. 28 of 2014)


Final Rules as per section 95(1), 95(3) and 109(2) of the Legal Practice Act 28 of 2014


Schedule 3


Schedule 3



Form of Practical Vocational Training Contract


Practical vocational training contract entered into at ………………………..… on this ………………………. day of …………………………………..……


20…………, between……………………………………………………………………………….…., an advocate of the High Court of South Africa (hereinafter


referred to as the training supervisor) …………….…….. and …………………………. born on …………………...……… (hereinafter referred to as the pupil).


1. The pupil undertakes—
1.1 to undergo training under the supervision of the training supervisor diligently, honestly and properly from the date hereof for such period as may be determined by regulation, and during that period to maintain confidentiality in all matters relating to the business of the training supervisor
1.2 to execute, at all times, all lawful instructions given to him or her by the training supervisor or any person placed in authority over the pupil by the training supervisor;
1.3 subject to any applicable rule or regulation not to engage in any business whatsoever other than that of a pupil unless the written consent of the training supervisor and the Legal Practice Council has been granted;


2. training supervisor undertakes—
2.1 to use his or her best efforts to teach and instruct the pupil in the practice and profession of an advocate;
2.2 provided the pupil has served his or her period under this contract properly and is in the training supervisor's opinion a fit and proper person for admission, to training supervisor use his or her best efforts to procure the admission and enrolment of the pupil as an advocate of the High Court of South Africa.


3. Should the training supervisor discontinue his or her practice or otherwise cease to qualify to act as a training supervisor he or she shall not thereafter be bound by this contract but shall cede this contract to another qualified training supervisor;


4. Should the pupil:
4.1 not serve the period of service properly in terms of this contract;
4.2 commit a breach of any of the terms of this contract; or
4.3 be guilty of any misconduct,


then the training supervisor will be entitled to cancel this contract, subject always to the employment laws applicable in South Africa.


Signed on …………………………………………… 20….......


As witnesses:


1. .....................................



Training supervisor


2. .....................................


