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Budget Speech 2014

What is to be Done?



Mr President, in 1987 ANC President Oliver Tambo said: “South Africa today is a country of immense inequalities. The bedrock of our perspective is our commitment to the establishment of democracy in a South Africa that belongs to all who live in it, black and white. In keeping with this commitment to our people, our policy positions enshrined in the Freedom Charter have been formulated with the fullest participation of our people.”


Fellow South Africans, I can share with you that both Government and the ruling party, the ANC, have reviewed the successes of the past 20 years, understanding our weaknesses and strengths, and reflected on how best we can lead this country and all of our people to a better, more dynamic future.


Mister Speaker, no one in this house denies that South Africa is a different country from the one this House and the Government inherited in 1994. The facts speak for themselves! We have made immense strides in rebuilding a fragmented society and in opening opportunities to all South Africans.


Yet we still have an immense set of tasks and challenges facing us. We cannot just muddle through the next decade.


In fulfilling our aspirations in the Freedom Charter, we have a clear and comprehensive vision for South Africa in 2030, a plan for higher growth, decent work and greater equality – the NDP.


As the first phase of implementing that vision we have a five-year plan and a medium term budget framework, so that step by step we can make a difference in the lives of all South Africans.


On these two foundations, we are able to offer bold and forthright leadership.


The next government will set out the details of its plans to deliver on the NDP after it takes office in May.


Let me explain.