R 385
To establish and promote a sustainable social housing environment; to define the functions of national, provincial and local governments in respect of social housing; to provide for the establishment of the Social Housing Regulatory Authority in order to regulate all social housing institutions obtaining or having obtained public funds; to allow for the undertaking of approved projects by other delivery agents with the benefit of public money; to give statutory recognition to social housing institutions; and to provide for matters connected therewith.
Last update: April 2022
Copyright: This Act reproduced under Government Printers Copyright Authority 10154 dated 20 March 1996
Disclaimer: This Act is presented "as is". Please read our Disclaimer before continuing.
The Social Housing Act, 2008 (Act No. 16 of 2008), has been updated with the Adjustment of Income Bands for Social Housing, as per Notice No. 2009 of GG46211 dated 8 April 2022.
The Social Housing Act, 2008 (Act No. 16 of 2008) has been updated by Notices, Threshold of primary and secondary market household income limit as per Notice No. 59 of GG41445 dated 16 February 2018.
The Social Housing Act, 2008 (Act No. 16 of 2008) has been updated by Government Gazette 34788 - Amendment to Act.
The Act has been updated with Proclamation No. 55 of 2009 regarding the commencement date of the Act, published in Government Gazette No. 32545 dated 31 August 2009.
The Act has been added to the site, as published in Government Gazette No. 25721 dated 5 November 2008.