R 385
Health Professions Act, 1974 (Act No. 56 of 1974)Board NoticesList of Classified and Certified Psychological TestsBoard Notice 155 of 2017 |
Board Notice 155
8 September 2017
GG 41100
The Professional Board for Psychology hereby publish, in terms of the regulations defining the scope of the profession of psychology as published under Government Notice R993 in Government Gazette 31433 of 16 September 2008, the list of tests, which are classified and certified for use by persons registered in the profession of psychology, in the schedule.
Tests that have been classified and reviewed
Name of test |
Distributer / Developer |
Reference number |
18/11/1 |
Aptitude Tests for School Beginners (ASB) |
Mindmuzik Media |
18/11/16 |
BarOn Emotional Quotient Inventory (BarON EQ-I™) |
JVR Psychometrics |
18/11/45 |
Business Comprehension Test |
Evalex |
18/11/116 |
California Psychological Inventory (CPI) |
JVR Psychometrics |
18/11/45 |
Campbell Interest And Skill Survey™ (CISS) |
JVR Psychometrics |
18/11/45 |
Career Development Questionnaire (CDQ) |
Mindmuzik Media |
18/11/25 |
Cattell Culture Fair Intelligence Tests |
JVR Psychometrics |
18/11/7 |
Clerical Test Battery (CTB2) |
Psytech SA |
18/11/66 |
Cognitive and Potential Assessment (COPAS) version I & II |
Integrity International |
18/11/40 |
Cognitive Process Profile (CPP) |
Cognadev |
18/11/59 |
Complexity Navigation Test (CNT) |
Joint Prosperity |
18/11/92 |
Computerised Adaptive Test of General Reasoning Ability (GSAT Senior) |
Mindmuzik Media |
18/11/19 |
Critical Reasoning Test Battery (CRTB) |
Psytech SA |
18/11/69 |
Critical Reasoning Test Battery (CRTB) |
CEB SHL Talent Measurement Solutions |
18/11/199 |
Customer Contact Styles Questionnaire (CCSQ) |
CEB SHL Talent Measurement Solutions |
18/11/44 |
Differential Aptitude Tests: Forms R, S, K & L (HSRC) |
Mindmuzik Media |
18/11/54 |
Discuss Behavioural Profile System |
Discuss Behavioural Profile Systems |
18/11/21 |
Dependability and Safety Instrument (DSI) |
CEB SHL Talent Measurement Solutions |
18/11/185 |
Emotional Intelligence questionnaire (EIQ) Thomas international |
Thomas international |
18/11/129 |
EQ-I 2.0 |
JvR Psychometrists |
18/11/210 |
ESSI Reading and Spelling Tests |
18/11/36 |
Fifteen Factor Questionnaire (15FQ) |
Psytech SA |
18/11/60 |
Fifteen Factor Questionnaire Plus (15FQPlus) |
Psytech SA |
18/11/60 |
Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behaviour TM (FIRO-B)TM |
JVR Psychometrics |
18/11/45 |
General and Graduate Reasoning Test Batteries (GRT2 and GRT1) |
Psytech SA |
18/11/67 |
General Scholastic Aptitude Test (GSAT) |
Mindmuzik Media |
18/11/18 |
Giotto Integrity Questionnaire |
Giotti SA |
18/11/43 |
Herbst Test |
Dr I Herbst |
18/11/99 |
HFMtalentindex Personality Assessment |
HFMtalentindex |
18/11/175 |
Hogan Development Survey (HDS) |
JVR Psychometrics |
18/11/213 |
Hogan Personality Inventory |
JVR Psychometrics |
18/11/146 |
Hogan Motivation, Values, Preference and Interest test |
JVR Psychometrics |
18/11/186 |
Impact 3.0 |
Prof A Edwards |
18/11/102 |
Integrity Profiles (IP-200) |
Integrity International |
18/11/79 |
Insights Discovery Preference Evaluator (previously Insights Learning and Development) |
Connemara |
18/11/97 |
Jackson Personality Inventory - Revised (JPI-R) |
JVR Psychometrics |
18/11/45 |
Jung Type Indicator |
Psytech SA |
18/11/62 |
Kolbe Conative Index (KCIA) |
Kolbe Corp |
18/11/41 |
Learning Potential Computerised Adaptive Test (LPCAT) |
M&M Initiatives |
18/11/49 |
Life Role Inventory (LRI) |
Mindmuzik Media |
18/11/27 |
Luso Zakheni Aptitude Tests (non-pressurized) IBM Test (pressurized) |
18/11/37 |
Managerial and Graduate Item Bank (MGIB) |
CEB SHL Talent Measurement Solutions |
18/11/201 |
Maree Career Matrix (MCM) |
Prof Kobus Maree |
18/11/161 |
Meyer Interest Questionnaire (MB-10) |
University of Stellenbosch |
18/11/30 |
Neo Personality Inventory-Revised (NEO-PI-R) (Pam Morris and Collin Wilford)
Neo Professional Development Report (NEO-PD-R)
Neo Five Factor Inventory (NEO-FF-I) |
JVR Psychometrics |
18/11/76 |
Neo Personality Inventory-Revised (NEO-PI-R) |
JVR Psychometrics |
18/11/75 |
Occupational Interest Profile (OIP) |
Psytech SA |
18/11/61 |
Occupational Personality Profile (OPP) |
Psytech SA |
18/11/63 |
Occupational Personality Questionnaire (OPQ) |
CEB SHL Talent Measurement Solutions |
18/11/44 |
Organisational Personality Construct Scale (previously Managerial construct scale and work orientation scale) (OPCS) |
Evalex |
18/11/52 |
Orpheus Personality Questionnaire |
Giotto |
18/11/43 |
Paper and Pencil Games (PPG) |
Mindmuzik Media |
18/11/14 |
Personality At Work (PAW) |
18/11/123 |
Potential Index Batteries (PIB)(previously Pro-Index) |
Potential Index Association Dr PF Erasmus |
18/11/23 |
Profile XT |
Profiles International |
18/11/85 |
Saville Consulting Wave™ Styles questionnaire |
Saville Consulting |
18/11/113 |
School-readiness Evaluation by Trained Testers (SETT) |
Mindmuzik Media |
18/11/17 |
Self Scoring Interest Blank |
18/11/72 |
Senior South African Individual Scale - Revised (SSAIS-R) |
Mindmuzik Media |
18/11/15 |
Situation-Specific Evaluation Expert Batteries (SpEEX Batteries) |
PibSpeex |
18/11/34 |
Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16pf®) |
JVR Psychometrics |
18/11/232 |
South African Vocational Interest Inventory (SAVII) |
Mindmuzik Media |
18/11/28 |
Strong Interest Inventory (SII) |
JVR Psychometrics |
18/11/45 |
Structure of Intellect (SOI Tests) |
18/11/58 |
Test for Selection and Training (TST) |
Thomas International |
18/11/55 |
Technical Test Battery (TTB2) |
Psytech SA |
18/11/68 |
Thomas International Personal Profile Analysis |
Thomas International |
18/11/5 |
TRAM-1 |
18/11/2 |
TRAM-2 |
18/11/3 |
Values and Motives Inventory |
Psytech SA |
18/11/65 |
Verify Range of Ability Test (VRAT) |
CEB SHL Talent Measurement Solutions |
18/11/238 |
Wellness Questionnaire for Higher Education (WQHE) |
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU) |
18/11/140 |
Work Personality Index (WPI)2ND Edition |
JvR |
18/11/159 |
Tests that have been classified but not reviewed
Academic Aptitude Test (AAT) (Standard 10) |
Academic Aptitude Test (AAT) (University) |
Academic-Technical Aptitude Tests (ATA) |
Adjective Checklist (EWL) - Part of Vienna Test System |
Adjective Checklist (EWL) - Part of Vienna Test System |
Adolescent Self Concept Scale |
Anxiety Questionnaire for Pupils (AFS) - Vienna Test System |
Aptitude Test Battery for Pupils in Standard 6 and 7 (ATB Standards 6/7) |
Aptitude Dimension Test |
Aptitude Profile Test |
Aptitude Test Battery for Adults (AA) |
Bayley Scales II |
Beck Tensor (TENSOR) - Vienna Test Catalogue |
Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test |
Benton Visual Retention Test |
Blox Test (A/80) |
Children's Apperception Test - Human Figures (CAT-H) |
Children's Apperception Test - Supplement (CAT-S) |
Children's Apperception Test (CAT) |
Children's Personality Questionnaire (CPQ) |
Clinical Analysis Questionnaire (CAQ) |
Cognitrone (COG) -Vienna Test Catalogue |
Columbus Picture Analyses of Growth towards Maturity |
Communication and Insights Analysis Questionnaire (CIAQ) |
Concentration under Monotony Test (Q1) - Austrian Road Safety Board |
Conceptual Reasoning Test (A/138) |
Continuous Attention Test (DAUF) - Vienna Test Catalogue |
Continuous Symbol Checking Test (CSC)(A/84) |
Decision Reaction Test (DR2) - Austrian Road Safety Board |
Decision Preference Analysis |
Deductive Reasoning Test (B/112) |
Developmental Test of Visual Perception (Frostig) |
Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration (Beery) |
Differential Interest Test (DIT) - Part of Vienna Test System |
Electronic Diagnostic Systems (SADF) |
Experience of Work and Life Circumstances Questionnaire (WLQ) |
Eysenck Personality Inventory |
Eysenck Personality Profiler (EPP) |
Factors of Aggressiveness Questionnaire (FAF) - Part of Vienna Test System |
Family Functioning in Adolescence Questionnaire (FFAQ) |
Family Assessment Device |
Figure Classification Test (A1121) |
Form Series Test (Industrial Version)(A/79) |
Gesell Developmental Test |
Giessen Test (GIESS) - Part of Vienna Test System |
Goodenough -Harris Drawing Test |
Graz Assertiveness Test (GAT) - Part of Vienna Test System |
Group Test for 5/6 and 7/8 year-olds |
Grover-Counter Scale of Cognitive Development |
Guidance Test Battery for Secondary Pupils (GBS) |
Hamburg Neuroticism and Extroversion Scale (HANES) - Vienna Test System |
High School Personality Questionnaire (HSPQ) |
High Level Battery (B/75) |
High Level Figure Classification Test (A/129) |
High School Interest Questionnaire (HSIQ) |
Hypothesis Formation Test (HYPO) - Vienna Test Catalogue |
Individual Scale for Southern Sotho-speaking pupils
Individual Scale for General Scholastic Aptitude (ISGSA)
Individual Scale for Northern Sotho-speaking pupils
Individual Scale for Tswana-speaking pupils
Individual Scale for Xhosa-speaking pupils
Individual Scale for Zulu-speaking pupils |
Industrial Test Battery (ITB) includes Anomalous Concept Test (ACTA)(A/133), Anomalous Figure Test (AFTA)(A/134), and Series Induction Test (SIT)(A/135). |
Intelligence Structure Test (IST 70) - Vienna Test System |
Intermediate Battery (B/77) |
Interpersonal Relations Questionnaire (IRQ) |
Intra- and Interpersonal Relations Scale (IIRS) |
IPAT Anxiety Scale |
Jung Personality Questionnaire (JPQ) |
Junior South African Individual Scales (JSAIS) |
Junior Aptitude Test (JAT) |
Junior Eysenck Personality Inventory |
Line Labyrinth Test (LL5) - Austrian Road Safety Board |
London House Personnel Selection Inventory (PSI -3) |
McCarthy Scales of Children Abilities |
Miller Assessment for Pre-Schoolers (MAP) |
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory - Short Form (MMPIK) |
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) |
Movement Assessment Battery for Children |
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) |
Nineteen Field Interest Inventory (19FII) |
Non Verbal Matrices Intelligence Test (M30) - Austrian Road Safety Board |
Normal Battery (A/76) |
Number Combination Test (ZVT) - Vienna Test Catalogue |
Paranoid Depressiveness Scale (PDS) - Vienna Test System |
Pattern Relations Test (B15/1) |
Perceptual Motor Survey (Kephardt) |
Personal, Home, Social and Formal Relations Questionnaire (PHSF) |
Picture Vocational Interest Questionnaire for Adults (PVI) |
Picture Motivation Tests (PMT) |
Porteus Mazes |
Predictive Index (PI) |
Programmer Aptitude Battery (PAB)(A/137) - includes Procedures Test, Matrices Test I, and Matrices Test II. |
Psychological Map |
Questionnaire to Assess the Risks of Suicide (FBS) - Part of Vienna Test System |
Questionnaire: Assessing Willingness to take Risks (FRF) - Austrian Road Safety Board |
Raven's Progressive Matrices (RPM) |
Rorschach cards |
Rotate and Flip Test (RAFT)(A/136) |
Rothwell-Miller Interest Blank (RMIB)(C/134) |
Scholastic Aptitude Test Battery for Pupils in Standards 2 and 3 (SATB Standards 2/3) |
Scholastic Aptitude Test Battery for Pupils in Standards 4 and 5 (SATB Standards 4/5) |
Self-Concept Scale |
Self-Directed Search Questionnaire (SDS) |
Senior Aanlegtoets vir Swaksiendes (SAT-S) |
Senior Academic- Technical Aptitude Test (SATA) |
Senior Aptitude Tests (SAT) |
Sexual Adaptation Functioning Test (SAFT) |
Short Questionnaire for Problem Detection (KFP30) - Part of Vienna Test System |
Siegmund System for Computerized Testing (pending final classification) |
Signal Detection (SIGNAL) - Vienna Test Catalogue |
South African Individual Scale for the Blind (SAISB) |
South African Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (SAWAIS)(C/35) |
Spielberger Trait/State Anxiety Scale |
Structured-Objective Rorschach Test (SORT) |
Suid-Afrikaanse Groeptoets vir Swaksiendes: Intermediér (SAGS:I) |
Survey of Study Habits and Attitudes (SSHA) |
TAT cards (Murray) |
Technical Aptitude Test Battery for Low Literates (TAB) |
Test to Examine Reactive Stress Tolerance (RSTS) - Austrian Road Safety Board |
Test to Examine Peripheral Perception (PVT) -- Austrian Road Safety Board |
Three -dimensional Point Tracking (3PTR) - Vienna Test Catalogue |
Three -dimensional Contour Tracking (3KTR) - Vienna Test Catalogue |
Toets vir Bestuurskennis |
Trade Aptitude Test Battery (TRAT) |
Two-dimensional Contour Tracking (2KTR) - Vienna Test Catalogue |
Two-dimensional Labyrinth Tracking (2PTR) - Vienna Test Catalogue |
Two-dimensional Point Tracking (2LTR) - Vienna Test Catalogue |
Two-hand Co-ordination (2HAND) - Vienna Test Catalogue |
Values Scale (VS) |
Vienna Matrices Test (VMT) - Vienna Test Catalogue |
Vigilance (VIGIL) - Vienna Test Catalogue |
Vocational Interest Questionnaire for Pupils in Standards 6 to 10 (VIQ) |
Wechsler Pre-School and Primary Scale of Intelligence-Revised (VVPPSI -R) |
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-III) |
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale- Revised (WAIS -R) |
Wechsler Memory Scale -Revised (WMS -R) |
Work Performance Test Series (ALS) - Vienna Test Catalogue |
Tests that have been classified as tests under development/being adapted and which should not be used for financial gain |
18/11/134 |
Abstract Reasoning Test (ART) |
18/11/157 |
Adolescent Psychological Well -being Index Questionnaire (Ad- PWIQ) |
18/11/137 |
African Profile Technique (APT test) |
Dr SCM Bosman |
18/11/98 |
Assessment Procedures Conducted by Speech- Language Pathologists and Audiologists |
18/11/93 |
Behavioural, Emotional and Cultural Intelligence (BECI) |
Assessment House |
18/11/204 |
Biological Adaptation to Night and Days Situation ( BANDS) |
18/11/148 |
Brain Resources Company Web Neuro |
18/11/117 |
Brain Resources Company lnteg Neuro |
18/11/118 |
Broad Band Competency Assessment Battery (BB CAB) |
Aprolab |
18/11/70 |
Career and Study Interest Questionnaire (CSIQ) |
18/11/128 |
Career Path Appreciation (CPA) |
18/11/110 |
Career Preference Test (CPT) |
M&M Initiatives |
18/11/197 |
Censeo Assessment |
Mindmill |
18/11/198 |
ChequedFIT |
18/11/183 |
Compass Behavioural Dimension Test |
18/11/196 |
Console Operator basic requirement Assessments (Cobra) |
18/11/141 |
Cogstate Sport |
18/11/119 |
Connector Ability 1.1. Version 2.1. |
18/11/142 |
Contact Success Profile (CSP) |
18/11/109 |
Contextual Performance Scale (CPS) |
18/11/107 |
Culture -fair Abilities and Motivation Test (C-FAM) |
Dimensions Personality Questionnaire |
TalentQ |
18/11/151 |
Dover System/Vienna Test |
Dover Systems |
18/11/101 |
Dover System/Vienna Test |
CPRD Consulting |
18/11/205 |
Drake Picasso |
Drake International |
18/11/108 |
Elements Ability Tests |
Talent Q |
18/11/152 |
Family Relation Test (FRT) |
18/11/130 |
Fear of Heights Test |
CPRD Consulting |
18/11/206 |
Find Potential Personality Assessment |
18/11/169 |
First View Assessment |
18/11/78 |
General Intelligence Assessment (GIA) |
18/11/158 |
Genos Emotional Intelligence |
18/11/122 |
HF Mtalentindex Cognitive Abilities Test |
HFMtalentindex |
18/11/176 |
HF Mtalentindex Motivations Assessment |
HFMtalentindex |
18/11/177 |
HR Chally Assessment |
HR Chally |
18/11/103 |
Integrity Profiles (IP -200) Comprehensive Test: Version I |
18/11/79 |
Integrity Profiles (IP -200) Simplistic Test: Version II |
18/11/79 |
Leader Development Assessment (LDA) |
Select SACS SA (Pty) |
18/11/131 |
Learning Agility Profile (LAP) |
Assessment House |
18/11/203 |
Learning Orientation Index (LOI) |
Cognadev |
18/11/144 |
LENS Value Quotient
Dr K Kotze ALQMIE |
18/11/115 |
LIMRA - Selling Styles Questionnaire™ (PSP) |
Limra International |
18/11/138 |
Linked Psychometric Assessment (LPA) |
18/11/112 |
Locus of Control Questionnaire |
18/11/81 |
Logic Reasoning Test (LRT) |
18/11/165 |
Matrices of Intellectual Reasoning Assessment (MIRA) |
Assessment House |
18/11/202 |
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory -2 (MMPI-2) |
JvRPsychomertics |
18/11/236 |
Motivational Appraisal of Personal Potential |
18/11/88 |
Motivational profile (MP) |
Cognadev |
18/11/121 |
Myers -Brigg Type Indicator (MBTI) |
JvRPsychometrics |
18/11/200 |
Notification of Development of New Personality Instrument |
18/11/95 |
Notification of Development of New Work Stress Instrument |
18/11/94 |
Numerical Reasoning Test (NRT) |
18/11/166 |
Occupational Personality Inventory (OPI) |
18/11/167 |
PATH Logical Reasoning Assessment |
18/11/173 |
PATH Numerical Reasoning Assessment |
18/11/172 |
PATH Personality Assessment |
18/11/170 |
PATH Verbal Reasoning Assessment |
18/11/171 |
PAPI -N (Cubiks) |
18/11/124 |
Performance, Measuring Emotional Questionnaire (PEQ) |
18/11/135 |
Personal Development Analysis (PDA) |
18/11/184 |
Personal Orientation Profile 7 (POP7) |
ThinkSales |
18/11/154 |
Personality and Preference Inventory (PAPI) |
18/11/104 |
Prevue Assessment |
Amos Laycock Consulting |
18/11/80 |
Prism Brain Mapping |
18/11/139 |
Profiles Step One Survey |
18/11/85 |
Professional Learning Indicator (PLI) |
18/11/214 |
Psychological Risk Inventory (PRI) |
18/11/105 |
Ravens Progressive Matrices |
JvRPsychometrics |
18/11/212 |
Sales Preference Questionnaire (SPQ Gold) |
18/11/71 |
Saville Consulting Aptitude Assessment Series |
18/11/114 |
Savvy Recruiter Employee Assessment System |
18/11/132 |
Selection Instrument Rationale |
18/11/126 |
1. The Self- Inventory (SI1) 2, The Self -Inventory (S12) 3. The Self -Inventory Education |
Mindmill |
18/11/147 |
Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire Fifth Edition(16PF5) |
18/11/64 |
Skypiom Personality Profiling Suite (SPPS) |
18/11/215 |
South African Career Interest Inventory (SAIL) |
18/11/162 |
South African Personality Inventory (SAPI) |
18/11/178 |
South African Wellness Questionnaire (SAWQ) |
18/11/84 |
Test of Encounter Stress (TESS) |
18/11/77 |
The Bridge Ability Suite |
18/11/156 |
The Bridge Personality |
18/11/155 |
The Jobs and Occupations Inventory (JOIN) |
18/11/150 |
The Leadership Circle |
18/11/133 |
The Morrisby Profile |
18/11/153 |
TMA Methods |
18/11/136 |
Total View Assessment |
18/11/78 |
Value orientation (VO) |
18/11/120 |
Verbal Reasoning Test (VRT) |
18/11/163 |
Work Dynamics |
18/11/127 |
Work Ethics Scale |
18/11/145 |
Workplace Reflector Big Five Personality 2.0. |
18/11/143 |
Board Notice No. 83 of 2014 as published under Government Gazette No. 37903 of 15 August 2014 is hereby repealed.
Adv Phelelani Khumalo
Acting Registrar
Date: 20/7/2017