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Allied Health Professions Act, 1982 (Act No. 63 of 1982)
Notice No. 712 of 1982
1. Definitions
Chapter 1 : Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa: Establishment, Objects and Functions
2. Establishment of Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa
3. Objects of council
4. General Powers of Council
5. Constitution of Council
6. Disqualification for appointment as member, vacation of office by members and filling of
7. Office-bearers
8. Meetings of council
9. Executive committee of council
10. Other committees of council
10A. Establishment of professional boards
10B. Disqualification for appointment as member, vacation of office by members and filling
10C. Objects of professional boards
10D. Powers of professional board
11. Appointment of registrar and staff
12. Funds of the council
13. Rectification of errors and validation of irregular acts
Chapter 2 : Registration of Practitioners and Students
Registration of Practitioners
14. Keeping of registers
15. Registration of Practitioners
16. Allied health professions
16A. Control over training
16B. Prescribing of qualifications
16C. Temporary registration
16D. Investigation of matters relating to education or training of certain classes of perso
16E. Registration of certain persons so as to enable them to give education or training
16F. Educational institutions to furnish council with certain particulars
17. Effect of registration as practitioner
Registration of Students
18. Registration of students
19. Registration of interns
20. Repealed
Updating, custody and publication of registers
21. Removal of names from, and restoration thereof to, register
22. Custody and publication of registers
Chapter 3 : Disciplinary Powers of the Council
23. Inquiry into alleged misconduct
24. Penalties for misconduct and procedure at inquiry by council
25. Postponement of imposition, and suspension of execution, of penalty or part thereof
26. Effect of suspension or removal of name from register and restoration of name to regist
27. Cognizance by council or professional board of certain conduct of practitioners
28. Penalty for false evidence
29. Acts or omissions in respect of which council or professional board may take disciplina
30. Restriction in, or suspension from, practise of profession by practitioner
Chapter 4 : Offences, penalties and other judicial matters
31. Offences by unregistered persons, and penalties
32. Offences by practitioners and students, and penalties
32A. Other offences, and penalties
33. Receipt for annual fees prima facie proof of registration of practitioner
34. Proof of certain facts by certificate
35. Presumptions
36. Limitation of liability
37. No remuneration recoverable by unregistered persons in respect of certain acts
Chapter 5 : General and Supplementary Provisions
38. Regulations
38A. Charges by registered persons
38B. Appeal
38C. Exemption from operation of provisions of Act
39. Unregistered persons not eligible for or entitled to hold certain appointments
40. Saving
41. Interpretation of laws in respect of certain medicine men and herbalists
41A. Abolition of Chiropractors, Homeopaths and Allied Health Service Professions Interim
42. Repeal of laws, and transitional provisions
43. Short title
Laws repealed
Inclusion of the Profession of Aromatherapy and Reflexology under the Provisions of the Allied Health Professions Act, 1982
Notice No. 1224 of 2019
Board Notices
Unprofessional Conduct: Use of Intravenous Ethylenediamine Tetraacetic Acid (Calcium Disodium Versants [CaNa2-EDTA]) and any other scheduled Intravenous Chelating Agent; Intravenous Pure Form Ozone (03) Therapy; and Intravenous Dihydrogen Dioxide (Hydorge
Board Notice 62 of 2010
Unprofessional Conduct: Travel from Patient to Patient to Render Health Services
Board Notice 29 of 2011
Increase Fees payable to the APHCSA by Students, Interns and Practitioners
Board Notice 179 of 2011
Unprofessional Conduct: Groupons
Board Notice 181 of 2011
Increase Allowances payed to Councillors and Professional Board Members serving on the Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa (AHPCSA)
Board Notice 175 of 2016
Increase Fees payable to the AHPCSA by Students, Interns and Practitioners
Board Notice 192 of 2017
Unprofessional Conduct Board Notice: Advising Patients on Thermography and Mammography : Board Notice No. 193 of 2017
Board Notice 193 of 2017
Unprofessional Conduct Board Notice: Practice of Live Blood Anaylsis to be used only as an Adjunct to the Scope of Practice of Homeopathy, Naturopathy or Phytotherapy
Board Notice 3 of 2018
Students, Interns or Student-Interns practising in the Republic of South Africa or Elsewhere : Chiropractic and Osteopathy
Board Notice No. 168 of 2018
Guidelines for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for the professions of Acupuncture, Aromatherapy, Ayurveda, Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Osteopathy, Phytotherapy, Reflexology, Therapeutic Aromatherapy,
Board Notice 108 of 2019
1. Introduction
2. Administration
3. Individual CPD Activity Record
4. Compliance Verification
5. Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
6. Hierarchy of Learning Activities
7. Activities that do not qualify for CEUs
8. Non-Compliance
9. Deferment
10. Practitioners Abroad
11. Registration of Holders of Foreign Qualifications or Persons applying for Restoration to any Register after Practising Abroad
12. Complaints
Annexure A : Individual CPD Activity Record
Annexure B : Learning Activities for the Professional Board
2020 Registration and other Fees - AHPCSA
Board Notice 193 of 2019
Safety Guidelines: Chiropractic and Osteopathy: Dry Needling (Myofascial trigger point therapy using fine filament needles)
Board Notice 121 of 2020
1. Introduction
2. Indications for Dry Needling
3. Contra-Indications to Dry Needling
4. Adverse Effects
5. Anatomical Considerations
5.1 Thorax
5.2 Lower back region
5.3 Areas requiring specialist knowledge
5.4 Blood vessels, nerves and organs
5.5 Lymph nodes
5.6 Joints
6. Principles for Safe Dry Needling Practice
7. Hygienic Requirements for Dry Needling
8. Legal Requirements specific to Dry Needling
9. References
2022 Annual Fees
Board Notice 295 of 2022
2023 Annual Fees
Board Notice 447 of 2023
2025 Annual Fees
Board Notice 695 of 2024
2025 Annual Fees
Board Notice 695 of 2024
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